Mary Maxwell

Photo snapped on the upper deck during a Lake Winnipesaukee cruise in 2022 -- to which the distress flag was later added.
That was my campaign picture when I ran for Congress in 2022 and for president in 2024. For the latter my plan was to make it a one-issue campaign, regarding the Maui fires in Hawaii. There is a continuing genocide going on in Hawaii, the latest twist being a release of bioengineered mosquitos. The government and the media will make sure it is not publicized. Your help is needed. See the Maui page.
Please hit the Books page for downloadable books authored by me, and the Videos page for my other efforts to teach. The Courts page will show you the lawsuits I have filed, but even this method does not work. We are in great danger.
The Mikado page is a musical comedy about the crimes of Covid. The Patty page will soon contain "Patty Parchment's" -- notices of breaches of the US Constitution.
A happy note has to do with a brand-new player, John F Kennedy, See JFK page.
Mary lives in Concord New Hampshire. Quick bio" Maxwell: Born in Boston, married in Australia. Also lived in United Arab Emirates. BA from Emmanuel College, MLA from Johns Hopkins, PhD and law degree from Adelaide University. Still in possession of marbles. Eager to welcome a contact from you, below, especially if you are action-oriented.

Mary Maxwell
175 Loudon Rd, Apt 6
Concord, NH 03301